

Society - Eddie Vedder

艺人:Eddie Vedder
专辑:Into the Wild (Music for the Motion Picture)
介绍:《荒野生存》,是一部改编自真实的故事的电影,剧本的灵感来源于1996年强·克拉库尔(Jon Krakauer)的同名作品《荒野生存》(Into the Wild)。故事讲述了一个理想主义和超验主义者克里斯多夫·麦肯迪尼斯(Christopher McCandless)的流浪传奇。该片由奥斯卡金像奖得主西恩·潘编剧并执导,影片在罗马电影节上初演,并于2007年10月19日公演,获得该年奥斯卡金像奖提名,并赢得金球奖。

Eddie Vedder——西雅图90年代车库风云乐队Pearl Jam的主唱,这也是Eddie Vedder首次以个人名义发片,原声专辑首次进榜就杀到Billboard专辑榜的11位,是个令人赞叹的成绩。整张专辑简洁流畅,Eddie Vedder用简单的吉他和短短的几分钟(专辑大部分曲目都在3分之内)构画出对自然和野性的向往,也激励着人们对自由和真理的寻找,再加上现代人听起来土的掉渣的男中音,一张最能还原Eddie Vedder的作品集就此承现。就连一向挑剔的metacritic也为其给出82分的高分(2007年最高分为90分,为瑞典的电子乐队The Field的专辑),如果你还保持着对Pearl Jam的怀念或对那个时代的怀念,请安静下来听听这张专辑,一定会让你找到一种久违的感动。(网络整理)


hmmm ooh hooo hooo

It's a mystery to me
we have a greed
with which we have agreed

You think you have to want
more than you need
until you have it all you won't be free

society, you're a crazy breed
I hope you're not lonely without me

When you want more than you have
you think you need
and when you think more than you want
your thoughts begin to bleed

I think I need to find a bigger place
'cos when you have more than you think
you need more space

society, you're a crazy breed
I hope you're not lonely without me
society, crazy *indeed*
I hope you're not lonely without me

there's those thinking more or less less is more
but if less is more how you keeping score?
Means for every point you make
your level drops
kinda like its starting from the top
you can't do that...

society, you're a crazy breed
I hope you're not lonely without me
society, crazy *indeed*
I hope you're not lonely without me

society, have mercy on me
I hope you're not angry if I disagree
society, crazy *indeed*
I hope you're not lonely without me

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